After all the crazy awesome of the christmas season getting back to normal is a ... well... "challenge". Therefore, no blogs for a while. Here is a little summary of the big events in January.
A family of Deer continues to bed in our backyard.
Mia played outside in the snow and was OK with it...
But Tahoe liked it WAYYY more!
Our curling team of Myself, Megan, Judy, and Eve got 2nd place in the ladies "80's" Bonspiel!
Mia chilled in her chair...
then the food came and Mia wigged out in her chair.
Eve had a Birthday so we all went out to eat at a Hibachi grill. Mia wasn't so sure about the noise and flames but seemed to enjoy it.
The rest of us really liked it. Eve even got to wear a hand crafted birthday balloon hat!
Mia drank lots of milk...
And crawled ALL over the place!
Jamie had a BIG birthday and we all went to the skating rink.
Dan had never been on skates before and turned out to be a ...
Mia got a fo-hawk for the occasion!
And us girls... Well we just hokey pokey'd on down... like usual!
Linde Rule: Sick people wear socks
Linde Rule (revised) : Sick people wear socks unless you are sick with double ear infections and pneumonia, then you have to wear a ridiculous hat as well to keep heat in as we don't have a hat quite large enough to fit your head. (oh and then it is ok to eat the table)
And last, but definately not least... Dan wore this shirt.