It was a HOT 4th of July weekend this year. The holiday fell on a Sunday so the fireworks at 10:15pm ended up happening too late to take Mia too (having work on Monday and all). We had a wonderful weekend though. Grandma Janet and Grandpa Howie came up as did the Atkinsons. Lots of food eating and game playing were the big hit on the 4th.
This is also the weekend that we got a red wagon. After many Craig's list attempts we finally just gave in and splurged on a new one. After Ashley A. used her mechanical skills to help me put it together we introduced Mia to her new wagon. BEST PURCHASE EVER! Mia spent an hour just opening the door, shutting the door, getting in the wagon, getting out of the wagon, sitting down in the wagon, playing with the seatbelts, opening the secret storage compartment, putting things in the wagon, taking them out of the wagon... you name it and she was all about it as long as the wagon was involved.

The whole group just hanging out.
Mia's daycare informed us that she kind of "hoards" the dolls when she is there so we figured that maybe we would just get her one for home. We adopted Ryleigh Genevieve from the Cabbage Patch and Mia brings her everywhere!
She even makes sure that Ryleigh's Bottle is ok ;)

Love this picture!

Over the week we did many fun things:
Picnic with Grandparents in Two Harbors

Learning to play baseball

Running in the grass

Sitting in the grass
Snacking on the Porch
Breakfast on the Porch
Playing with chalk on the sidewalk and chillin' in our shades!